Thursday, April 4, 2024

Key Benefits of Industrial Recycling | Waste Management in UAE

If you have been running operations in the UAE, you might have noticed that all industrial processes produce waste. The amount of waste produced here according to a recent study in 2019 took the total to almost 5 Million tons of waste. Even though most of the waste is reusable and recyclable, it still gets dumped out in landfills causing problems not only for the community but for the whole world. I am sure everyone of you reading this blog is aware of the harmful effects of improper waste management so I will not get into that. Instead, I will tell you about some of the key benefits of Industrial Recycling and Waste Management Solutions.

Save Money, Energy and Resources:

The common individual will look at the heading and wonder how recycling can lead to savings. It might be less complicated than it sounds though. There are two main types of costs that come along when a company is producing a lot of waste. One is Waste disposal cost and the other is material cost of getting new raw materials. There are multiple waste companies that can guide you on how to reduce the waste in your organization and cut costs in all processes. One great example that comes to mind is Y.E.S Full Circle Solutions. Providing advice with analytics on reducing the amount of waste that your company generates will automatically allow the organization to minimize its expenses on Waste Disposal. With the processes optimized for producing less waste, resources are sure to be utilized more efficiently as well. As for the material costs, the simplest explanation that I can give you is reusing materials after recycling will be more cost effective rather than purchasing new materials. And it might not make that big of a difference in the short term but once an organization implements this into their lifestyle, can save the company millions in costs.

Saving Environmental Resources:

Here are some interesting stats for you. Recycling just one ton of steel can give you the same result and materials as mining 1400 pounds of coal and 2500 pounds of iron ore. Scrap metal recycling also reduces energy consumption of producing new metal products by 60-70%. Metals such as Aluminum can be reused repeatedly without any significant damage to the material. Not only that but manufacturing new raw materials is a leading cause of greenhouse gases. Manufacturers know how much energy and effort it takes into making new raw materials. So, if the end result is the same with recycling, wouldn’t the better solution be to move towards it? The earth’s natural resources are already depleted as it is and with increasing production due to increasing demand, there is not much time left before they finish for good. Not unless companies move towards Recycling which will effectively reduce the need to use natural resources to make new materials.

Get More Info : Waste Recycling Services in Dubai

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