Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Cosmetic Recycling Trends 2021


We live in a world that is doomed to collapse if nothing is done to minimize the harm, we are causing the environment. It might not be a conscious choice on our parts, but our lifestyle has affected the climate and environment, nonetheless. If we think about the beauty industry alone, they have contributed to such a significant percentage of waste. But thankfully enough, they have realised it and taken a seat behind the wheel to take control over the situation. Mostly working on the recycling and the eco-friendly aspect of their brands, these companies are looking at a more sustainable way of development without having a hugely negative impact on the environment. 

Let us take a close look at some of the top cosmetic recycling trends for the year 2021! 

Paper-Based products Are the New “IT”  

It is estimated that the beauty industry alone makes a huge contribution to more and more non-biodegradable waste in the environment which can’t be recycled. There is heavy use of plastic in the industry because of the packaging choices that they make. So, brands are taking more caution now to reduce this waste. Brands like Lush have reduced their use of plastic to the bare minimum. They are even trying to experiment with no labelling at all! 

Brands like L’Oreal announced that they will be using a paper-based tube! This is a major decision that the firm took in the year 2019 and they promised that more such tubes would be in the market by next year. This will most definitely have a huge impact on the goal of using less and less plastic, and given that they are mass- produce, think of the outcomes this decision will achieve!

Recyclable Plastic Bottles 

Doesn’t matter how hard one tries to, one cannot do away with all the plastic that we use in our lives. Keeping the negatives aside, one reason why plastic is so widely used is because of the convenience that it provides. But then, what do we do about the negative effects that we just put aside? Well, why not use plastic bottles or tubes that are recyclable? And that’s what they did! 

Unilever produced black plastic products that are recyclable! Lead to End Waste Now. Originally, it was quite difficult because the technology could not detect the “carbon black” used for colour. But they optimized their technology to reuse the pigments that are found in these bottles by automatic optical sorting machines. This infers that tonnes and tonnes of plastic bottles can be sent back for recycling! After their declaration, they also claimed that they will make sure that this technology is accessible all around the market for universal adaptation. 

Everything’s Fun with A Balloon!

Another creative way for an eco-friendly packaging technique is the balloon-based solution that’s been doing rounds in the market. Adopted by a South Korean firm, Innerbottle, they started a campaign back in the year 2019 for using balloons made of silicone as an alternative to using plastic as a containing tube or bottle. 

These balloons are BPA-free and are placed inside paper bottles at first. These are then attached to the pumps and can be dispensed after use! Then you can recycle your paper bottle as much as you want using the same technique. This product works whether the cosmetic is in soap or spray form. What more can you ask for? 

After being pumped out of the bottle, it only leaves a residue of merely 2% as compared to the earlier 30% when different packaging formats were used. This helps the consumers in more than just one way. Not only do you get more products, but you can recycle the balloon as well! 

Get More Details --: Cosmetic Recycling Trends 2021

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