Saturday, June 29, 2024

How are textiles/fabrics recycled ?


Textile/fabric recycling is the reprocessing of the non-usable fabric to a usable form. Overall fabric waste has risen sharply due to the expansion of the clothing and textile industries as well as the fast fashion trend among consumers. Globally, the fashion industry pumps out 100 billion garments annually.

Yet only 12% of used textiles or clothes are mechanically recycled (cutting or shredding into fibers), and less than 1% is chemically recycled back to reuseable raw materials. 87% of unwanted clothes are thrown and sent to landfills

Why should we recycle textile/fabrics?

Natural fibers might take several weeks to several years to degrade in landfills. Most of the clothing made of synthetic fibers, comprises of plastic which might take years, or may never totally decompose. These will also emit CO2 and methane gas into the atmosphere when left in landfills and eventually be the cause of environmental deterioration.

Types of Textiles waste that can be recycled:

  • Pre-Consumer textile waste and post-consumer textile waste
  • Pre-Consumer Textile Waste: By-products of yarn and fabric manufacture
  • Post-Consumer Textile Waste: Includes garments, vehicle upholstery, carpets, towels, bedding, purses and more

Benefits of textile/fabrics recycling

Recycling of textile/fabrics waste will recover the re-usable raw materials that can be used as raw materials for creating new clothes and thereby promoting a circular economy.

The recycling strategies of upcycling and closed-loop recycling can best conserve resources including raw materials, water and energy while having a minimal negative impact on the environment.

Recycling clothes reduces the factors that contribute to climate change because when they are disposed of in landfills, they produce greenhouse gasses.

Therefore, recycle your old clothes and give them a second chance. This way we are all doing our bit in supporting a circular economy.

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Friday, June 28, 2024

How To Achieve Carbon Net Zero By 2030 | mobile recycling in uae

Achieving carbon net zero by 2030 is a monumental task, but it is absolutely necessary if we want to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. To achieve this goal, we need a multipronged approach that encompasses every sector of society.

Firstly, we need to drastically reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. This means investing heavily in renewable energy sources like wind, solar, and geothermal. We can also promote energy efficiency by retrofitting buildings with insulation and efficient heating and cooling systems.

Secondly, we need to change the way we produce and consume goods. This means transitioning to a circular economy where we reuse and recycle materials instead of constantly extracting new resources. We can also reduce the carbon footprint of our food system by promoting plant-based diets and reducing food waste.

Thirdly, we need to invest in carbon capture and storage technologies. This will allow us to capture carbon emissions from industrial processes and store them underground, reducing the amount of CO2 that is released into the atmosphere.

Finally, we need to work together as a global community to address climate change. This means setting ambitious emissions targets and providing financial and technological support to countries that are most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.

Achieving carbon net zero by 2030 will not be easy, but it is possible if we act now and work together. By taking bold action, we can create a sustainable future for ourselves and for generations to come.

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Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Mask Recycling Initiatives From Across The Globe | waste management company in dubai

Every month, around 129 billion disposable masks are used around the world. Large enterprises and independent researchers alike are now trying to come up with ways to recycle them and put them to their best possible use as an innovation. Here are the current plans and execution of the COVID-19 Mask Recycling. Research Taken Up For Recycling Masks Australian researchers plan to turn single-use Covid masks into road material. Their research showed that using recycled face mask fibre to construct only one kilometer of the two-lane road will consume approximately 3 million masks, sparing 93 tonnes of waste from being disposed of in landfills. A  group of researchers from India’s University of Petroleum and Energy Studies analysed the composition of masks, gloves, and other items to discover that they may be broken down into bio fuel at extreme temperatures. As per a January parliamentary report, 40,000 tonnes of masks were discarded in France last year with no opportunity for recycling. Scholars have sat together to focus on this issue. This led to various strategies being formulated to combat mask pollution. Strategies Enforced To Put Disposed Masks To Use Several hospitals in the United Kingdom have purchased a compactor that melts protective robes and surgical masks into blue slabs. After that, the material is utilised to create garden seats or tables. The country has also been reincarnating masks as vehicle floor carpets. A recycling company in France collects masks thrown in dedicated bins used by 30 customers, hospitals and other companies, that are used to build other materials. Another creative startup company in France discovered a new recycling market. They take disposable face masks and create fresh products. The company’s founders have been able to recycle an incredible amount of 70,000 masks. The result is a plastic fibre that can be used to make a variety of textile items. In the US protective gear is repurposed into benches and New Jersey had recently seen a company, sell an $88 “zero waste box” for disposable masks. Several companies have ever since shown interest, where their teams are now seeking financial aid to continue their research, which may take up to two years. Summing Up Just under a year ago, more than 1.5 billion masks were found in the many oceans, which resulted in an additional 6,200 tonnes of marine plastic pollution. This created a new problem and challenge in the world that we still strive to comprehend and eliminate. They are also polluting streets and are a threat to wildlife. Due to their effectiveness in limiting the spread of disease, face masks have become a fundamental part and otherwise, an accessory. The disposable masks are what we need to look out for. There have been tonnes of efficient initiatives taken up globally and researchers continue to find new possibilities to do away with the masks. The right method of disposal should be followed by every citizen and firm while also seeking ways to come forward and recycle them for a sustainable and virus free world. Get More Info : waste management company in dubai

Future Trends: The Beginning of the End of Traditional Waste Management and Recycling?

Every day we hear stories about the impact of the 4th industrial revolution, new technology, disruptive innovation, and circular economy in our lives.  Waste management and recycling have traditionally been a “static” industry, as changes were usually small and incremental. However, this pace of change is likely to accelerate, and we should be ready to recognize and be prepared for technology trends that will change waste generation rates, location, and processing methodologies. Below are some possibilities to consider Decentralization of waste generation and closing the loop Technology innovations such as e-commerce websites, GPS tracking, and WhatsApp have made shopping at home easier. We order online, and items are delivered in the comfort of our homes at a time of our convenience. Because of the nature of delivery, packaging material tends to be more for online shopping compared to traditional brick and mortar shop purchases. The same for online food delivery. In a restaurant, one gets food served in reusable crockery, but with online delivery, food is delivered in plastic containers, together with plastic cutlery. As a result, both residential waste generation rates and waste composition types are likely to change. Simultaneously, we have the advent of 3D printing. As 3D printer prices drop and technology becomes simplified, we are likely to see the massive proliferation of these devices in homes. They could become a common standard in homes like a TV or fridge.  What is the link between 3D printing and e-commerce? Closed-loop. Closed-loop is the foundation of the circular economy, whereby a waste output from 1 process becomes the recycling input of another process.  3D printers used to require virgin material as inputs. However, 3D printers, using either recycled input material or incorporating an ability to incorporate a mini recycling system, are being developed and tested. Once they are effectively commercialized, users could use a variety of inputs, for example, packaging waste, for these 3D printers to make what products they want. As a result, we could see the decentralization of waste generation, and reduction/elimination of waste streams from these decentralized locations. Get More Info : Shoes recycling uaeGet More Details about this website : Waste Management in UAE , Pharmaceutical waste recycling in UAE, Brand Protection

Thursday, June 20, 2024

How are textiles/fabrics recycled ?

Textile/fabric recycling is the reprocessing of the non-usable fabric to a usable form. Overall fabric waste has risen sharply due to the expansion of the clothing and textile industries as well as the fast fashion trend among consumers. Globally, the fashion industry pumps out 100 billion garments annually. Yet only 12% of used textiles or clothes are mechanically recycled (cutting or shredding into fibers), and​ less than 1% is chemically recycled back to reuseable raw materials. 87% of unwanted clothes are thrown and sent to landfills Why should we recycle textile/fabrics? Natural fibers might take several weeks to several years to degrade in landfills. Most of the clothing made of synthetic fibers, comprises of plastic which might take years, or may never totally decompose. These will also emit CO2 and methane gas into the atmosphere when left in landfills and eventually be the cause of environmental deterioration. Types of Textiles waste that can be recycled: Pre-Consumer textile waste and post-consumer textile waste Pre-Consumer Textile Waste: By-products of yarn and fabric manufacture Post-Consumer Textile Waste: Includes garments, vehicle upholstery, carpets, towels, bedding, purses and more Benefits of textile/fabrics recycling Recycling of textile/fabrics waste will recover the re-usable raw materials that can be used as raw materials for creating new clothes and thereby promoting a circular economy. The recycling strategies of upcycling and closed-loop recycling can best conserve resources including raw materials, water and energy while having a minimal negative impact on the environment. Recycling clothes reduces the factors that contribute to climate change because when they are disposed of in landfills, they produce greenhouse gasses. Therefore, recycle your old clothes and give them a second chance. This way we are all doing our bit in supporting a circular economy. Get More Info : Shoes recycling uae Website : Contact Us : Recycling Zero Waste Solutions Get More Details about this website : Waste Management in UAE , Pharmaceutical waste recycling in UAE, Brand Protection in Dubai

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

GLASS — Possible to recycle Infinitely

 Glass is a non-crystalline, often transparent, amorphous solid that has widespread practical, technological, and decorative application. Glass is a material that can be recycled indefinitely without losing any quality. It can be melted down and transformed into a variety of products, from glass fibre to drinking glasses. Glass is taken to a manufacturing or recycling plant, where it is broken down into smaller pieces called cullet which can be re-manufactured to new recycled glass products.

Benefits of Recycling Glass

  • Glass produced from recycled glass reduces related air pollution by 20% and related water pollution by 50%.
  • Recycling glass reduces the space in landfills that would otherwise be taken up by used bottles and jars.

How does Glass Recycling protect the Environment?

It may take up to a million years for a glass product to decompose after being disposed of in a landfill.

Glass products and materials are 100% recyclable and can be recycled endlessly without losing their purity or quality. Every ton of glass that is recycled saves more than a ton of the raw materials needed to create new glass, which only necessitates the extraction of less natural resources like sand, limestone, and soda ash from the environment. Glass scraps are crushed into cullet, which can be melted down and utilized to create new glass items, promoting the circular economy.

Glass is considered as one of the easiest materials to recycle. Glass items should not be directed to landfills as they can be recycled, remanufactured to new products, and even help save natural resources by using less virgin materials.

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Monday, June 17, 2024

How are textiles/fabrics recycled ?

 Textile/fabric recycling is the reprocessing of the non-usable fabric to a usable form. Overall fabric waste has risen sharply due to the expansion of the clothing and textile industries as well as the fast fashion trend among consumers. Globally, the fashion industry pumps out 100 billion garments annually.

Yet only 12% of used textiles or clothes are mechanically recycled (cutting or shredding into fibers), and less than 1% is chemically recycled back to reuseable raw materials. 87% of unwanted clothes are thrown and sent to landfills

Why should we recycle textile/fabrics?

Natural fibers might take several weeks to several years to degrade in landfills. Most of the clothing made of synthetic fibers, comprises of plastic which might take years, or may never totally decompose. These will also emit CO2 and methane gas into the atmosphere when left in landfills and eventually be the cause of environmental deterioration.

Types of Textiles waste that can be recycled:

  • Pre-Consumer textile waste and post-consumer textile waste
  • Pre-Consumer Textile Waste: By-products of yarn and fabric manufacture
  • Post-Consumer Textile Waste: Includes garments, vehicle upholstery, carpets, towels, bedding, purses and more

Benefits of textile/fabrics recycling

Recycling of textile/fabrics waste will recover the re-usable raw materials that can be used as raw materials for creating new clothes and thereby promoting a circular economy.

The recycling strategies of upcycling and closed-loop recycling can best conserve resources including raw materials, water and energy while having a minimal negative impact on the environment.

Recycling clothes reduces the factors that contribute to climate change because when they are disposed of in landfills, they produce greenhouse gasses.

Therefore, recycle your old clothes and give them a second chance. This way we are all doing our bit in supporting a circular economy.

Get More Info : Shoes recycling uae

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Contact Us : Recycling Zero Waste Solutions

Get More Details about this website : Waste Management in UAE , Pharmaceutical waste recycling in UAEBrand Protection in Dubai

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Brand Protection Simpler| Recycling Services in Dubai

 Everyone knows the importance of a good brand image. To put it simply, if the company has a good brand image, customers will feel comfortable about doing business with that company resulting in more cash flow and better equity. The better the brand image is, the more chances people are going to view it as the preferred company to interact with. A positive image gives the customers the belief that the company is trustworthy and they can count on it in the future as well. If done well enough, the company might even have a surge of influencers and advocates. Look at Pinterest for example, the company has such a strong brand image that it basically recycles user made content to market itself.

Only a handful of companies can claim to have that perfect positive image. We know that if there was a listing, the companies with negative brand perceptions would outweigh those with positive brand perceptions by a landslide. You might have heard the quote, “It takes only a second to turn a positive image into a negative one but a lifetime to turn it around”. This is entirely true. If a customer decides to eat at a restaurant and loves the food so much that he tries it for the next 12 weeks with the same outcome, we can say that he had a positive image of the brand. But what if on the 13th visit, he got served distasteful food? This would lead to a negative image and chances are, he would never eat there again. That is how powerful human perception can be.

Moving on to the biggest cause of negative brand image in the modern day, it is environmental pollution. One bad review for bad food served to one customer can only take you so far but imagine your company polluted the earth that every single human being lives on. That would be devastating for the brand. Major multinational companies that are amongst the top revenue generators in the world are some of the biggest sources of plastic pollution as well. The majority of customers who see the effect of irresponsible plastic disposal at the hands of these companies show their displeasure by sharing posts online, protesting in front of their offices and worst of all, boycotting their products resulting in losses. In the past, some companies have even considered a redesign after the backlash. Yet this might not be enough. This is where a proper waste management and recycling strategy needs to be implemented.

On the flip side, if these companies had taken care before hand to ensure that their finished products were properly recycled or not directly causing pollution, they might not be in such deep water as they are right now. In this day and age, there are multiple ways companies can protect their image, one of which is to utilize a waste management service. One such example doing wonders in the market is Secure Product Destruction And Recycling With Zero Landfill Policy.

What is Secure Product Destruction And Recycling With Zero Landfill Policy?

Secure Product Destruction And Recycling With Zero Landfill Policy is a recycling service operating under the brand name of Y.E.S Full Circle Solutions in the UAE. Using the latest proprietary technology, Secure Product Destruction And Recycling With Zero Landfill Policy ensures full traceability from start to finish to validate the entire recycling process. In simpler terms, companies who want to make sure that all finished goods, consumer goods, industrial goods, seized items, proprietary items, confidential storage, returns, product recalls, counterfeit items, excess stock, unsaleable material, expired material, production rejects, display material, marketing material dont go into landfills and become the next major threat to the environment can be safely and securely recycled (Yes, there are a lot of item types that can cause negative branding). Some other benefits of this service are, that branded items in landfills won’t become the cause of revenue loss, all items will be safely recycled ensuring no defective product goes into the market, and making sure that no extra cost is spent trying to use expensive cleanup or greenwashing campaigns.

Final Note:

As citizens of the world, each and every person has a duty to protect the environment and take the earth towards sustainability in any way we can. The thing standing in our way is pollution causing all sorts of problems for the environment and we are on the front lines to battle it. The more power we have, the better suited we will be to combat this threat and the ones with the most power right now in the world are the companies. They can really make a big difference and make a positive brand image for themselves just by making sure they recycle properly. According to Forbes, Accenture is leading the charge on recycling its own products effectively. If your company is a friend to the environment, then it is no secret that your company will be a friend to its customers as well. So if you want to protect your company, recycle for the environment and put yourself as a brand who actively partakes in making the world a better place, do check out Secure Product Destruction And Recycling With Zero Landfill Policy. Who knows, you might even become the number one environmentally friendly company through it.

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Friday, June 14, 2024

How To Live Sustainably — Home edition


Embracing sustainable living at home is a pivotal step in minimizing your carbon footprint and contributing to a healthier environment. Here are actionable tips to seamlessly integrate sustainability into your daily routine: plastic recycling, Dubai

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle:

Embrace the mantra of reducing waste by minimizing single-use plastics, repurposing containers, and ensuring proper recycling practices. Upcycling adds an innovative touch, further reducing the burden on landfills.

Conserve Energy:

Foster energy efficiency by turning off lights and electronics when not in use. Opt for energy-efficient bulbs and appliances to curtail energy consumption. For a sustainable energy source, contemplate the installation of solar panels to generate renewable energy at home.

Water Conservation:

Treat water as the precious resource it is by fixing any leaks in your home. Employ low-flow showerheads and faucets to optimize water usage. Consider collecting rainwater and repurposing water from rinsing fruits and vegetables to nourish your plants, effectively conserving water and reducing your water bill.

Grow Your Own Food:

Cultivate sustainability in your backyard or balcony by growing your own herbs, fruits, and vegetables. Not only does this practice reduce your carbon footprint by diminishing the need fortransportation, but it also provides you with fresh, homegrown produce.

Use Sustainable Products:

Make conscious choices by opting for eco-friendly products crafted from sustainable materials like bamboo, hemp, and recycled plastic. Not only are these products durable, but they also contribute to minimizing environmental impact.

By adopting these practices, you’re not just making small changes at home; you’re actively participating in a sustainable lifestyle. Join the movement toward eco-conscious living and play your part in preserving our planet for future generations.

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Get More Details about this website : Waste Management in UAE , Pharmaceutical waste recycling in UAEBrand Protection in Dubai

Thursday, June 13, 2024

How To Achieve Carbon Net Zero By 2030 | Waste Management & Recycling Company in Dubai

 Achieving carbon net zero by 2030 is a monumental task, but it is absolutely necessary if we want to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. To achieve this goal, we need a multipronged approach that encompasses every sector of society.

Firstly, we need to drastically reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. This means investing heavily in renewable energy sources like wind, solar, and geothermal. We can also promote energy efficiency by retrofitting buildings with insulation and efficient heating and cooling systems.

Secondly, we need to change the way we produce and consume goods. This means transitioning to a circular economy where we reuse and recycle materials instead of constantly extracting new resources. We can also reduce the carbon footprint of our food system by promoting plant-based diets and reducing food waste.

Thirdly, we need to invest in carbon capture and storage technologies. This will allow us to capture carbon emissions from industrial processes and store them underground, reducing the amount of CO2 that is released into the atmosphere.

Finally, we need to work together as a global community to address climate change. This means setting ambitious emissions targets and providing financial and technological support to countries that are most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.

Achieving carbon net zero by 2030 will not be easy, but it is possible if we act now and work together. By taking bold action, we can create a sustainable future for ourselves and for generations to come.

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The Environmental Costs of Fast Fashion | Waste Management in UAE

New season, new styles, buy more, buy cheap, move on, throw away: the pollution, waste, and emissions of fast fashion are fueling the triple planetary crisis.The annual Black Friday sales on 25 November are a reminder of the need to rethink what is bought, what is thrown away, and what it costs the planet.

Sustainable fashion and circularity in the textiles value chain are possible, yet this century the world’s consumers are buying more clothes and wearing them for less time than ever before, discarding garments as fast as trends shift.

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is spearheading an initiative towards a zero waste world. As part of this ambitious outlook, UNEP has partnered with Kenyan spoken word poet Beatrice Kariuki to shed light on high-impact sectors where consumers can make a real difference.

“We need circular industries where old looks are made new,” Kariuki says in the video. “Less packaging, more reuse. Threads that last.”

The Ellen Macarthur Foundation, a UNEP partner, has estimated that a truckload of abandoned textiles is dumped in landfill or incinerated every second. Meanwhile, it is estimated that people are buying 60 per cent more clothes and wearing them for half as long.

Plastic fibres are polluting the oceans, the wastewater, toxic dyes, and the exploitation of underpaid workers. Fast fashion is big business, and while the environmental costs are rising, experts say there is another way: a circular economy for textiles.

At this month’s UN Climate Conference (COP27) in Egypt, UNEP and the non-profit Global Fashion Agenda (GFA) held an event on ‘Circular Systems for a Net Positive Fashion Industry’, which drew industry leaders to discuss routes towards a circular economy for the industry, with less waste, less pollution, more reuse, and more recycling.

Now, UNEP and GFA are spearheading a consultation across the fashion industry to define a path towards becoming net-positive — meaning an industry that gives back more to the world than it takes out. UNEP is also producing a roadmap towards sustainability and circularity in the textile value chain and working on shifting the narrative of the sector, looking at the role of consumption with a guideline to sustainable fashion communication.

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Monday, June 10, 2024

Lifecycle of paper recycling — how is it recycled

 Paper products are around us everyday and we may not think about what happens to it after it is tossed in the recycling bin.

Many of us start our days with paper — from reading the newspaper to the packaging of our favorite breakfast cereal to the milk carton we use along with it. If some of that milk spills, you can clean it right up with a paper towel.

The Upsides of Paper Recycling

In Abu Dhabi alone, 11.2 million tonnes of waste was produced by the emirate in 2019. This large amount of waste is due to a number of reasons, such as population growth, economic activities, and consumer shopping habits.

The environmental benefits of paper recycling cannot be understated. According to the Emirates Publishers Association (EPA), recycling just one ton of paper can save 380 gallons of oil, 7000 gallons of water, and enough energy to power the average home for up to six months.

Paper recycling also conserves our natural resources. Recycling one ton of paper can save 17 trees from being torn down. Paper recycling has excellent benefits for businesses as well. Diverting paper from the landfill can dramatically reduce business waste costs, especially if the business churns a lot of paper products. Companies with recycling initiatives can often receive tax credits and will have a better shot at engaging with eco-conscious consumers who only want to do business with sustainable organizations.

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Thursday, June 6, 2024

Shocking Ocean Plastic Statistics: A Threat to Marine life, Ocean & Humanity

The ocean is said to be Earth’s life support, with 97% of the world’s water held by the oceans. We rely on it to regulate our climate, absorb CO2 and oceans are the number one source of protein for over a billion people.

However, at the rate we are polluting the oceans, the damage we are doing to the marine life and ecosystem is becoming irreparable. It is estimated that 12.7 million tonnes of plastic ends up in oceans annually. Our actions over the 10 years will determine the state of the ocean for the next 10,000 years to come. (Source:

Here are some staggering plastic pollution on our ocean statitstics:

  • The world produces 381 million tonnes of plastic waste yearly – this is set to double by 2034. 50% of this is single-use plastic & only 9% has ever been recycled.
  • More than 1 million plastic bags end up in the trash every minute.
  • 1 in 3 fish caught for human consumption contains plastic.
  • More than 1 million seabirds and 100,000 marine animals die from plastic pollution every year.
  • There is now 5.25 trillion macro and micro pieces of plastic in our ocean & 46,000 pieces in every square mile of ocean, weighing up to 269,000 tonnes.
  • The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is around 1.6 million square kilometers – bigger than Texas.

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GLASS – Possible to recycle Infinitely| Innovative Circular Economy Solutions in Dubai

  Glass is a non-crystalline, often transparent, amorphous solid that has widespread practical, technological, and decorative application. G...