Thursday, November 24, 2022

Light Bulb Recycling


Light bulbs after it’s life-period are usually thrown away and not recycled, which then ends up in landfills where the chemicals contained within these may leach to the soil and groundwater affecting the environment. There are many types of light bulbs that can be recycled; the raw materials can be recovered and reused. Using recovered materials takes up less energy than it does to produce items with raw material and helps from further mineral mining.

Here are some of the types of light bulbs (and it’s parts) that can be recycled:

Light-Emitting Diode or LED Light Bulbs

LED lights are the most environmentally friendly light bulbs in the market because of their extended lifespan, lack of dangerous chemicals, and based on its energy efficiency rate. LED lights do not contain toxic elements. However, it is made of electronic components such as Diodes, semiconductors, or transformers which could be recycled. LEDs are made of glass (88%), some metals (5%) and other different materials (7%). Some metals contained in LEDs are useful for recycling such as indium, gallium, or some rare-earth element (REE) that you can find in the crust. It’s better to avoid those lights to make their way to landfills.

Fluorescent Lamps

Fluorescent lights are more energy efficient than the incandescent lights. Recycling for Fluorescent lights is crucial, otherwise the mercury and phosphorus content can spill to the environment when disposed of in landfills.

Recycling helps in separating mercury, phosphorus powder, glass, and metals and the same can be reused in new fluorescent lamps.


Compact Fluorescent Light or CFLs

Compact fluorescent light bulbs or CFLs, are more energy-efficient than some other types of bulbs but also contain mercury, which is toxic to the surroundings. Therefore, these should not be disposed in the landfills and need to be recycled by separating glass, metals and other materials such as mercury which can be reused to make new products or light bulbs.

Recycling CFLs not only keeps trash out of landfills but also stops the discharge of hazardous mercury into the environment.


Get More Info :  Light Bulb Recycling

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Recycle today to reserve resources for our future


What is Recycling?

Recycling is a sustainable and eco-friendly method of reusing resources and raising product quality. By substituting raw material inputs and rerouting waste outputs outside of the economic system, it seeks to promote environmental sustainability.

Why should we Recycle?

Recycling helps in reducing the volume of solid waste dumped in landfills, freeing up space for the trash that cannot be recycled and conserving the resources.

According to Gulf Business, an average resident in the UAE generates nearly 3kg of waste every day, which is among the highest amounts per capita in the world.

If we do not recycle waste, it ends up in the landfills and it takes hundreds of years for the dumped materials to degrade. Many materials like glass, never decomposes and remains in the landfills forever. The world is already overpopulated and eventually we may run out of space.

Many useful materials that can be recycled and converted as raw material for a new product ends up in landfills if we don’t recycle. By recycling, we are also reusing the energy and resources they hold and is giving a second chance instead of ending up in landfills. Natural resources are not infinite, recycling protects the resources.

How does Recycling Help the Environment?

Recycling not only limits the release of waste to the surrounding but also lowers the emission of greenhouse gases, water pollutants and, it can even conserve energy. Reusing the recovered material to produce new products will lower the waste generation.

Buying recycled material is safe for the environment as it limits our reliance on natural resource for the need of virgin raw materials.

How Does Recycling Reduce Emissions and Waste Products?

Producing goods from recycled materials requires less energy than producing goods from virgin materials, which results in a reduction in the burning of fossil fuels and the release of greenhouse gases (GHGs) that contribute to climate change. Also, using recycled materials to make new products will reduce the need of virgin materials and thereby reduces the amount of waste materials entering the landfill. As a result, more products may be supplied because it reduces the expenses associated with manufacturing. Consumers benefit from the cheaper goods as a result, and producers continue to produce a larger quantity.

Get More Info :  Waste Management services | What is Recycling?

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