Friday, December 31, 2021

Why Recycling is Good for the Economy? | Recycling Companies in UAE

 If you’re a recycling nay-sayer, then this blog is for you

Around 14 percent of people are either ambivalent about or downright against recycling. The myth they believe is that it is not their responsibility and recycling doesn’t make any difference

Seriously, who even cares?

If you fall into one of these categories, that’s okay. We’re not judging. The fact that you’re here is fine. It means you want us to convince you that recycling is worthwhile. So here is a big reason why you should start recycling.

Good for the economy

Recycling creates employment opportunities. In the U.Sthe employment potential is about  2.39 – 4.05 jobs per 1,000 tonnes of diverted waste. For our Canadian friends, that’s something like 5 job opportunities per 1,000 tonnes of diverted waste.

It also generates revenue. In California alone, a state with robust collection infrastructure, recycling and reuse facilities gross $14.2 billion in annual revenue. Due to recycling, there are efficiency gains in manufacturing. Manufacturing with recycled aluminium cans, for example, takes 95% less energy than going straight to the source.

So, it’s good for the economy, too.

Get detail info: Recycling Companies in UAE

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

E waste in Dubai

Although recycling e-waste is not hard, many individuals end up discarding their electronic waste in the trash. From there it will end up at the landfills, becoming a major contributor to GHG emissions. That’s how e-waste becomes a problem, causing global warming. Such is the missed opportunity of extracting more out of your e-waste. If e-waste is carefully recycled, it becomes a great opportunity to build a raw material that can be used to manufacture new products: creating business opportunities and reducing the burden on the landfills. Either way, it brings each electronic device’s utility to a complete full circle, bringing the circular economy to life. Many businesses have been established by capitalizing on a growing problem by turning it into an opportunity. Therefore, recycling e-waste can become an opportunity if you act upon it now! Otherwise, it’s only going to add up to the stack of already existing problems.

Saving The Planet With E-Waste Recycling

E-waste recycling reduces environmental pollution and can potentially save the planet. And since e-waste consists of toxic substances, it cannot be carelessly discarded in the trash. These toxic substances include mercury, lead, cadmium, beryllium, chromium, and chemical flame retardants. This is why, when e-waste ends up at the landfills, these chemicals can seep into the soil or the atmosphere, and pollute the soil and air. When the soil is polluted, the possibility of it compromising the groundwater becomes inevitable. And the polluted groundwater means that it is affecting life on earth. Therefore, removing e-waste from landfills is as important as saving the planet.


We cannot stop tech from evolving, however, we can control how we discard our e-waste. According to research, it was estimated that in 2019, 54 million metric tons of e-waste was produced worldwide. This number has only been increasing annually as almost only 20% of it is documented, collected, and recycled. Moreover, the way the electronic devices are becoming obsolete with an updated version every once or twice a year, the e-waste will grow. If all e-waste is recycled, it can grow opportunities for businesses to collect e-waste and recycle it into raw material. YES Full Circle offers cutting-edge technology to help you track your waste as we recycle it and also aids the environment by replacing natural resource consumption with recycled raw materials making it more sustainable and economical. Interested in partnering with a company that can benefit you and the environment at the same time? Click right here.

Also Visit: E waste in Dubai

Monday, December 27, 2021

What are a few ways we can go plastic-free during travel?

Ensure your toiletries are sustainable.

One of the major problems while traveling is that the toiletries that you use would mostly be made of plastics. How often have you bought miniature sachets and tubes of toothpaste, shampoos, conditioners, and portable deodorants for easy travel? Many of us do that and prefer it because you can throw it easily once the trip is over. However, imagine about 1 million people doing it every day and the waste generated just sums up to a staggering amount with this practice.

You can eliminate this aspect during travel. There are various sustainable alternatives to plastic toiletries during travel. Here is a list of the necessities you would carry and their environmentally friendly alternatives.

  1. Toothpaste:
While toothpaste is really handy, there are sustainable alternatives to this in the form of tooth powder that comes in reusable bottles. You can also purchase zero-waste tooth tablets. These are self-foaming tooth tablets that you pop in your mouth with a bit of water such that it foams. One pill per brushing session would be ample and this is extremely handy too.

Then you can brush using your toothbrush and clean your teeth. This comes packed in glass bottles that you can reuse and causes no waste. It won’t leak or spill in your bag and is actually more convenient. All you have to do is carry this small bottle around and at the end of your travels, you can reuse the bottle or recycle it. Glass Recycling is often used for these small bottles and is sustainable.

  1. Shampoo and Conditioners:
Companies have often advertised these bottles in extremely attractive shapes and colors. They now advertise miniature versions of the same thing for travel and people flock to buy the same! However, while it may seem convenient and cool for you to buy this, this generates so much plastic waste. People may say plastics recycling works here, it actually doesn’t. Again, you’d have issues with it spilling and leaking.

For travel purposes, rather than buying bottles, the more sustainable purchase that could be made is buying shampoo bars and conditioning bars. These last longer than bottles, are convenient to carry, and are more compact than bottles. Hence, it is an ideal carry item during travel. You can store it in a tin box and use it whenever needed.

  1. Deodorant
This is a must-have as you never know when you’d have access to good bathing facilities during travel. However, the negative impacts of deos are quite numerous. The plastic nozzles, the encasings, the harmful aerosols that affect the environment all make it contribute to the ever-growing waste in the community.

Like shampoo and conditioner bars, there are deo bars that are long-lasting, compact, and can be stored conveniently in tin containers. This would reduce your waste generation during travel

  1. Sustainable make-up items and hygiene products.
Switching to biodegradable cotton swabs, washable makeup removing cloth pads, and avoiding the use of plastic cotton swabs would be extremely helpful.

A majority of them have also now switched from using plastic pads to washable menstrual pads or menstrual cups. This cuts down a huge chunk of waste generated and benefits the world. While traveling, in case you do not find segregated waste bins, you can dispose of these without much guilt. This would not have been the case if you had plastics, hence this step is necessary and important.

Also, if you stay in hotels or lodges, opt out of the mini toiletries that they provide. They use a lot of plastic and avoiding their use helps in cutting back demand. If even out of 50,000 people, 3000 people did this, a huge amount of waste produced would be eliminated. Buying makeup should be kept in mind with cosmetics recycling principles.

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Strategies Enforced To Put Disposed Masks To Use

Several hospitals in the United Kingdom have purchased a compactor that melts protective robes and surgical masks into blue slabs. After that, the material is utilised to create garden seats or tables.

The country has also been reincarnating masks as vehicle floor carpets.

A recycling company in France collects masks thrown in dedicated bins used by 30 customers, hospitals and other companies, that are used to build other materials.

Another creative startup company in France discovered a new recycling market. They take disposable face masks and create fresh products. The company’s founders have been able to recycle an incredible amount of 70,000 masks. The result is a plastic fibre that can be used to make a variety of textile items.

In the US protective gear is repurposed into benches and New Jersey had recently seen a company, sell an $88 “zero waste box” for disposable masks.

Several companies have ever since shown interest, where their teams are now seeking financial aid to continue their research, which may take up to two years.

Get detail info: Strategies Enforced To Put Disposed Masks To Use

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Few Ways to Go Plastic-Free During Travel | Plastic Recycling Solutions in Dubai

Ensure your toiletries are sustainable.

One of the major problems while traveling is that the toiletries that you use would mostly be made of plastics. How often have you bought miniature sachets and tubes of toothpaste, shampoos, conditioners, and portable deodorants for easy travel? Many of us do that and prefer it because you can throw it easily once the trip is over. However, imagine about 1 million people doing it every day and the waste generated just sums up to a staggering amount with this practice.

You can eliminate this aspect during travel. There are various sustainable alternatives to plastic toiletries during travel. Here is a list of the necessities you would carry and their environmentally friendly alternatives.

  • Toothpaste: While toothpaste is really handy, there are sustainable alternatives to this in the form of tooth powder that comes in reusable bottles. You can also purchase zero-waste tooth tablets. These are self-foaming tooth tablets that you pop in your mouth with a bit of water such that it foams. One pill per brushing session would be ample and this is extremely handy too. Then you can brush using your toothbrush and clean your teeth. This comes packed in glass bottles that you can reuse and causes no waste. It won’t leak or spill in your bag and is actually more convenient. All you have to do is carry this small bottle around and at the end of your travels, you can reuse the bottle or recycle it. Glass Recycling is often used for these small bottles and is sustainable.
  • Shampoo and Conditioners: Companies have often advertised these bottles in extremely attractive shapes and colors. They now advertise miniature versions of the same thing for travel and people flock to buy the same! However, while it may seem convenient and cool for you to buy this, this generates so much plastic waste. People may say plastics recycling works here, it actually doesn’t. Again, you’d have issues with it spilling and leaking. For travel purposes, rather than buying bottles, the more sustainable purchase that could be made is buying shampoo bars and conditioning bars. These last longer than bottles, are convenient to carry, and are more compact than bottles. Hence, it is an ideal carry item during travel. You can store it in a tin box and use it whenever needed.
  • Deodorant: This is a must-have as you never know when you’d have access to good bathing facilities during travel. However, the negative impacts of deos are quite numerous. The plastic nozzles, the encasings, the harmful aerosols that affect the environment all make it contribute to the ever-growing waste in the community. Like shampoo and conditioner bars, there are deo bars that are long-lasting, compact, and can be stored conveniently in tin containers. This would reduce your waste generation during travel
  • Sustainable make-up items and hygiene products: Switching to biodegradable cotton swabs, washable makeup removing cloth pads, and avoiding the use of plastic cotton swabs would be extremely helpful. A majority of them have also now switched from using plastic pads to washable menstrual pads or menstrual cups. This cuts down a huge chunk of waste generated and benefits the world. While traveling, in case you do not find segregated waste bins, you can dispose of these without much guilt. This would not have been the case if you had plastics, hence this step is necessary and important.

Also, if you stay in hotels or lodges, opt out of the mini toiletries that they provide. They use a lot of plastic and avoiding their use helps in cutting back demand. If even out of 50,000 people, 3000 people did this, a huge amount of waste produced would be eliminated. Buying makeup should be kept in mind with cosmetics recycling principles.

Get detail info: Plastic Recycling Solutions in Dubai

Friday, December 17, 2021

How YFC can help your business?

 • Protect Brand Reputation

• Secure destruction of the hazardous substances

• Recycling of metal components, promoting Circular Economy

• Diverts Waste from Landfills

• Reduces Greenhouse Gas Emissions

• Demonstrate Corporate Social Responsibility

Your one-stop solution for electronic waste is YES Full Circle. We ensure that the materials are properly recycled, and the value is maximized. As part of our end-of-life equipment management program, we collect and responsibly manage end-of-life equipment, adhering to both local and international standards and regulations.

YES Full Circle’s electronic waste recycling facility offers state-of-the-art services that have the most comprehensive and secure recycling solution for unwanted electronics.

Get detail info: Producer Responsibility Organizations

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Our Solutions are achieving the Global UNSDGs | E waste in Dubai

It’s always tough to talk about problems and even tougher to talk  about solving them. In this day and age, Mankind has evolved a lot from  its early status into becoming self-aware of the problems and has even  found ways to overcome them. With continuous development and advancement  in technology, we humans have conquered every issue we have ever faced.  There is a product for every need, an item for every situation, and  these days, an app for every idea but has there been no consequence?  Unfortunately, the answer is a depressing one. Even though we have  accomplished a lot, we have done it at a cost. That cost being, damaging  the world we live in.

You would have probably heard of major world issues such as Climate  Change, Pollution, and Loss of Biodiversity which are very common  nowadays. The reason being that even though we are advancing in  developing our countries, we have neglected mother nature and have taken  it for granted. Using up the resources, we have left the waste product  unattended and that has begun to take its toll on us now. ‘Improper  Waste Management’ as it has been termed causes a lot of harmful effects,  not only to our environment but also to the animal, marine, and human  life.

The UNSDG’s:

The Global Goals or the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) proposed  by the United Nations are objectives that are interlinked with each  other to achieve a much better future through sustainability for all.  There are 17 broad goals in total, each having 8-12 targets with 4  indicators to measure the progress of each goal. There has been a lot of  work towards the fulfillment of the UNSDG’s and many governments and  organizations are working towards the completion of the goals. The main  concern of the United Nations when devising these goals was the concept  of “No one getting left behind”. Alongside making the world a better  place, the UNSDG’s can be taken as a blueprint to achieve a more  sustainable future for all by 2030 which coincidentally is its mission  statement as well. These goals are the closest we can plan towards  solving those issues mentioned above. It will not be a complete reset  but it will help a lot. Most of the goals can be achieved by effective  planning, utilizing the latest technology, and collaboration of related  stakeholders. These goals were devised in 2015 and set for completion by  2030 and we are proud to announce that we have already started working  towards achieving certain UNSDG goals.

More Info : Our Solutions are achieving the Global UNSDGs | E waste in Dubai

Also Visit: Producer Responsibility Organizations

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

What is Full Circle Coin and its Benefits?

Full Circle Coin increases visibility and transparency about the lifecycle of waste from Household to Manufacturer. We use blockchain to track each transaction while continuously updating on the amount of each type of waste, who collected it, and how it was recycled. Full Circle Coin facilitates in closing the loop between waste and production by pioneering a Coin that will be used to trade within the ecosystem and in return help bring the traceability to ecosystem.

Benefits of FC Tech

  • Wealth Distribution - Enabling the distribution of wealth among weaker participants in the recycling ecosystem.
  • Community Engagement - To build a community of residents who actively participate within a circular economy ecosystem.
  • Traceability - Enabling traceability of recycling materials from collection to final use.
  • Recycling Culture - Enabling the development, tracking, and enhancement of recycling habits until it becomes an integral way of life for all stakeholders within the platform ecosystem.
  • Diverting Waste from Landfills - FC Tech is the first step towards transforming every city’s disposal-driven waste sector to one of recycling and composting. This will divert at least 90% of collected waste from disposal sites to recycling practices by giving trash a value.
  • Higher Earnings - Through FC Tech, we secure the best rates and enable a dividend payment to you via Full Circle Coin at the end of the material recovery process.

Get detail info: Organic Waste Management Service Dubai

Monday, December 13, 2021

Life Below Water | Specialized Waste Recycling

Due to poor waste management, the oceans are flooded with industrial waste as well as post-consumer waste materials. The life below water has been compromised at an alarming level which is causing a major impact on the marine ecosystem. In the past couple of years, injured marine animals are washing up on the shores with plastic waste stuck to their gills, choking them to death. Meanwhile, scientists have found minute plastic pieces from the bodies of aquatic animals. These are just a few cases that have emerged before us, otherwise, there must be countless compromised marine life that we do not know about. It is up to us to protect the life below water and it is only going to be possible when we start managing our waste rather than perceiving the ocean as our waste disposal pit. Plastic Recycling is an easy and convenient solution with immense rewards. Remember, we are not getting rid of our waste if we carelessly throw it away, that waste is going to come back to haunt us as global warming. We at YFC make sure to manage industrial waste as well as post-consumer waste materials with our circular economy solutions, thus protecting the life below water. Get in touch with us to know more about ‘plastics recycling’ and more

Get detail info: Specialized Waste Recycling

Also Visit:

Waste Sustainability Services in Dubai

Waste Recycling Services in Dubai

Friday, December 10, 2021

Research Taken Up For Recycling Masks | COVID-19 Mask Recycling

Australian researchers plan to turn single-use Covid masks into road material. Their research showed that using recycled face mask fibre to construct only one kilometer of the two-lane road will consume approximately 3 million masks, sparing 93 tonnes of waste from being disposed of in landfills.

A  group of researchers from India’s University of Petroleum and Energy Studies analysed the composition of masks, gloves, and other items to discover that they may be broken down into bio fuel at extreme temperatures.

As per a January parliamentary report, 40,000 tonnes of masks were discarded in France last year with no opportunity for recycling. Scholars have sat together to focus on this issue. This led to various strategies being formulated to combat mask pollution.

Get detail info: COVID-19 Mask Recycling

Also Visit: 

Waste Sustainability Services in Dubai

Recycling Companies in Dubai

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

What are the Benefits of Secure Product Destruction and Recycling with Zero Landfill Policy Services?

  • Brand Image: Compliance with environmental responsibility and to support UN SDG’s
  • Revenue Loss: Items collected could land up in grey market of companies resulting in revenue and profit loss.
  • Liability: Product recalls or defective products going back into the market could lead to financial liability and reputational loss.
  • Proprietary Information: To maintain trade secrets and business confidential information.
  • Personal Information: To comply with privacy and data security laws.
  • Peace of Mind: Having a peace of mind knowing that items have been recycled in a secure and proper manner.
  • Quality Assurance: All services are provided in accordance with municipal, provincial, state, federal, and country regulations that each location Secure Product Destruction and Recycling with Zero Landfill Policy operates in. YES Full Circle is ISO 45001:2018 , ISO 14001:2015 , ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 10002:2018 certified.

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

What is Green Secure? What are Key Features Of Green Secure?

Green Secure is an enterprise blockchain secure destruction and recycling solution ensuring transparency and traceability within the waste management industry.

Our state-of-the-art blockchain solutions are a win-win scenario that ensures proper destruction of material, high-quality recycled products: whilst saving companies millions in USD “leakages”.

  • Closed-Loop Recycling - Traceability and transparency support closed loop recycling.
  • Secured Platform - Secured, tamper-proof, and safe transactions which cannot be altered.
  • Fraud Prevention - Our blockchain solution ensures that it is impossible to manipulate or falsify data.
  • Traceability - Provides a complete trail of material and goods from contract phase to recycling of output through legitimate downstream vendors.
  • Responsible Recycling - A well-planned and executed recycling process ensures transparency sustainability in recycling.
  • Evidence-Based Systems - Guaranteed proofs of destroyed and recycled items using documentation, media, fraud detection, artificial intelligence and our proprietary process and algorithms. Provides documentation trail for legal cases.

YES Full Circle Solutions - Recycling Companies in UAE


YES Full Circle is approved by various bodies for example Dubai Municipality and Trakhees. In addition, we are members of the Gulf Brand Protection Group and Dubai Chamber Sustainability Network and Singapore Business Council, among others.

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Friday, December 3, 2021

E-Waste Recycling | Waste Recycling Services in Dubai

According to a UN study, about 50 million tonnes of electronic waste were disposed of worldwide. E-waste or electronic waste recycling is the process of recovery material from old devices to useful new products. Most of these electronic products end up in landfills, and only 20% of e-waste is recycled. E-waste should be properly disposed of as it contains various toxic and hazardous chemicals and materials that are released into the environment. In addition to the rise in the use and purchase of electronic items such as smartphones and laptops, e-waste has also risen.

Recycling old and damaged electronics can reduce the need to mine metals and it will reduce greenhouse gas emissions since old devices have been re-used for producing new ones. TVs, laptops, PCs, video consoles, cables, wires, smartwatches, remote controls, and mobile phones can all be recycled for metals such as copper, tin, iron, aluminium, carbon, titanium, gold, and silver. There are many materials used in making these electronic devices that can be recovered, reused, and recycle.

Get detail info:  Waste Recycling Services in Dubai

Also Visit: Waste Management & Recycling Company in Dubai

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Key Benefits of Industrial Recycling | Circular Economy in Dubai

If you have been running operations in the UAE, you might have noticed that all industrial processes produce waste. The amount of waste produced here according to a recent study in 2019 took the total to almost 5 Million tons of waste. Even though most of the waste is reusable and recyclable, it still gets dumped out in landfills causing problems not only for the community but for the whole world. I am sure everyone of you reading this blog is aware of the harmful effects of improper waste management so I will not get into that. Instead, I will tell you about some of the key benefits of Industrial Recycling and Waste Management Solutions.

  • Save Money, Energy and Resources:
  • Saving Environmental Resources:
  • Increasing the Value of your company:

The world is moving very fast and businesses are taking every opportunity to move forward in their own respective fields. The fierce competition is taking its toll on the environment and slowly destroying it. Organizations need to start thinking about changing their systems to pro recycling which will not only benefit them in the long run but will also be a very big help in saving the environment. Recycling is a win-win solution especially on the industrial level. If you are still unsure about what to do regarding making this jump, why not ask the experts with more than 100 years of experience at Y.E.S. Full Circle!

Get detail info: Circular Economy in Dubai

GLASS – Possible to recycle Infinitely| Innovative Circular Economy Solutions in Dubai

  Glass is a non-crystalline, often transparent, amorphous solid that has widespread practical, technological, and decorative application. G...