Tuesday, November 30, 2021

What are the benefits of implementing End Waste Now Program? | Recycling in Dubai

End Waste Now is a division of YES Full Circle.

We believe in reducing waste generations rates, and where waste has to be produced, to convert into a useful resource for a circular economy.

  • Waste reduction translates into reduced costs for organizations and municipalities.
  • These reduced costs can be translated into better profit margins and/or additional funds released for other government programs.
  • Positive community and brand image for stakeholders who participate.
  • Helps to promote acceptance of waste as being a resource that can be reused.
  • This is done by understanding how to modify the waste generation process so the outputs can be used as inputs in a circular economy, compared to the current linear model.

Monday, November 29, 2021

Returning The Empty Bottles To The Companies To Recycle | Plastic Recycling in Dubai

Another very effective way of recycling is returning the empty bottles to the companies so that they can recycle the no-longer-needed bottles and stop them from being dumped in the waste. The Terracycle corporations are known for this immensely. Started 15 years ago in the USA, their reach is now around in almost 20 countries of the world. They specialize in bringing back the non-biodegradable wastes and then recycling them.

Cosmetic companies have started campaigns so that more and more of their consumers can participate in recycling. L’Oreal in Australia has free of charge designated stores where one can go to dispose of their empty containers without the compulsion of having to buy anything else. Their contribution is stamped and after getting a minimum of 6 stamps, they are given a complimentary shower gel. Garnier not only takes back products from their line but from every brand and then sorts it out in categories which are then further made into new L’Oreal bottles.

Many companies that specialize in deodorant manufacturing take back empty bottles and then recycle the aluminium. Companies like Henkel started campaigns that took back these deodorant bottles and used them to make children’s gyms, to name one of many. There are other companies as well like Unilever who recycled the aluminium and used it to produce bikes for children with the help of charitable institutions.

Another one in line would be the very popular luxury cosmetic brand Estée Lauder who gives its consumers the option of returning their empty packaging after use. And after they have returned up to 6 such, they are rewarded with a free eye shadow. They don’t themselves recycle the packaging but further passes on to other companies to do it for them.

One more in the line would be an Australian company Ringana. They went a slightly different way by asking their customers to pre-clean the used bottles and post them back to the company. If they could do it with a minimum of 10 bottles, then they would be given a free cosmetic product as a gift. And that product can be of their own choice! The company then uses these same bottles to refill and repackage in an environmentally friendly way.

Get detail info: Returning The Empty Bottles To The Companies To Recycle

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Recycling in Dubai

Recycling Companies in UAE

Friday, November 26, 2021

Why go plastic-free? | Recycling Companies in UAE

Going plastic-free is extremely important right now. The world has already seen enough clutter and plastic production and it is just not stopping. That is our first clue: why doesn’t the production stop? This is because the demand is high and constant. Tackling the demand issue is key to solving the whole problem of excessive plastic. Consumer excesses together with continual bombarding of advertisements to buy are driving demand.

We know plastics can be extremely convenient thanks to their versatile benefits and properties. The one time they come very handy has to be during traveling. While traveling, we would want easy-to-use and disposable plastics that add convenience to the journey. However, this just adds to the ever-growing stockpile of plastic wastes on our planet.

In fact, Australia has been the pioneer for a movement called Plastic-Free July. The foundation initially operated from Australia but now is reputed almost globally. It focused on rallying people to take steps to prevent plastic waste generation. Also, July is the month people often travel, visit beaches and exotic places due to the summers. Hence, the amount of waste generated can be cumbersome. Single-use plastics actually lie at the heart of the problem and this can be bypassed by a few baby steps in the right direction.

Get detail info: Recycling Companies in UAE

Also Visit: Specialized Waste Recycling

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

How Does Plastic End Up In The Oceans? | End waste in Dubai

Life exists in a complete full circle. Washing your hands might wash away the tiny plastic particles stuck to you from your daily life. The same single-particle from that water might end up coming back to you, one way or another. That is how nature behaves in a domino-effect. Similarly, the waste we produce on our daily basis eventually ends up getting dumped at landfills or rivers. From rivers, the waste is carried with the flow towards the seas and from there the water currants steer it into the oceans. It is estimated that 80% of all the waste in the oceans originated from land. This waste is present in all shapes and sizes. Much of it is not even visible to the naked eye. These are known as microplastics and they can easily leave aquatic life compromised. Therefore, the waste we may discard today is going to come back to us in the face of a marine life crisis. It is for our own sake that we produce minimal waste, and reuse and recycle as much as possible.

  • Cleaning Up the Oceans - It is high time that oceans are cleaned up of the waste we have been carelessly producing. Non-profit projects like ‘the ocean cleanup’ are trying to collect the already accumulated waste and recycle it to produce something of value. However, if we continue to produce waste like we normally do, it will continue to pollute our oceans and aquatic life. Therefore, just as nonprofit projects are doing their part to save the planet, we can play our part on an individual level. We can start by adapting to the zero-waste lifestyle and monitor our waste disposal habits. Reusing, recycling, and reducing should be the motto to lead a sustainable life. And just as the oceans are being cleaned up, we can rest assured that ocean pollution will come to a halt, restoring the habitat of marine life to thrive for our own good.
  • Real-time Results - The efforts of cleaning up the ocean have been successful but they have a long way to go towards actually making a significant impact. The great pacific garbage patch is the world’s largest gyre of plastic waste in the Pacific Ocean. According to Ocean Voyages Institute, 103 tons of plastic waste was collected and removed from the great pacific garbage patch. This is just from a single voyage that took 48 days at sea. Similarly, more voyages will be carried out with a fleet to ensure the task is accomplished in less time and with more efficiency. The garbage collected will then be recycled to produce indisposable products.
Get detail info: End waste in Dubai

Friday, November 19, 2021

How To Avoid Plastic Overdose? | Waste Management Services

Here are ten easy ways you can effectively use to avoid plastic consumption. Some of these ways will definitely challenge you to change your comfortable lifestyle, but unlike what people say, ignorance is not bliss.

1. Avoid Using Plastic Straws

Did you know that we use, on average, more than 500 million plastic straws every single day? This typically leads to hazardous waste collection in the landfills where such waste is dumped. However, if you start avoiding and denying to play your part in a plastic-free environment, simply say no. Single-use straws are often bagged readily along with your junk food without you having to even ask them for the same.

Therefore, you are the one who needs to put your foot down and go out of your own way to ask them not to put plastic straws. Alternatively, you can carry environmentally-friendly straws that are made of a variety of materials. The most common ones being steel and wood. It is practical and additionally, it also does not take too much space.

2. Always Carry  An Eco-Friendly Bag With You

It is always advisable to use reusable eco-friendly carry bags for your everyday grocery shopping and occasional shopping at the malls. Even though a bag made out of bamboo or jute is more expensive than non-biodegradable plastic, you will get your money’s worth since they do not wear out easily and have a much longer lifespan than plastic bags. Just keep these available on the backseat of your car and use them whenever required.

Also, if you forget to carry an eco-friendly bag with you, try to stuff your bought items in your pockets or simply carry the same in your hands as much as you can.

Get detail info: Waste Management Services

Also Visit: Electronic Waste Recycling in Dubai

GLASS – Possible to recycle Infinitely| Innovative Circular Economy Solutions in Dubai

  Glass is a non-crystalline, often transparent, amorphous solid that has widespread practical, technological, and decorative application. G...