Monday, September 27, 2021

Brand Protection Simpler

Everyone knows the importance of a good brand image. To put it simply, if the company has a good brand image, customers will feel comfortable about doing business with that company resulting in more cash flow and better equity. The better the brand image is, the more chances people are going to view it as the preferred company to interact with. A positive image gives the customers the belief that the company is trustworthy and they can count on it in the future as well. If done well enough, the company might even have a surge of influencers and advocates. Look at Pinterest for example, the company has such a strong brand image that it basically recycles user made content to market itself.

Only a handful of companies can claim to have that perfect positive image. We know that if there was a listing, the companies with negative brand perceptions would outweigh those with positive brand perceptions by a landslide. You might have heard the quote, “It takes only a second to turn a positive image into a negative one but a lifetime to turn it around”. This is entirely true. If a customer decides to eat at a restaurant and loves the food so much that he tries it for the next 12 weeks with the same outcome, we can say that he had a positive image of the brand. But what if on the 13th visit, he got served distasteful food? This would lead to a negative image and chances are, he would never eat there again. That is how powerful human perception can be.

Moving on to the biggest cause of negative brand image in the modern day, it is environmental pollution. One bad review for bad food served to one customer can only take you so far but imagine your company polluted the earth that every single human being lives on. That would be devastating for the brand. Major multinational companies that are amongst the top revenue generators in the world are some of the biggest sources of plastic pollution as well. The majority of customers who see the effect of irresponsible plastic disposal at the hands of these companies show their displeasure by sharing posts online, protesting in front of their offices and worst of all, boycotting their products resulting in losses. In the past, some companies have even considered a redesign after the backlash. Yet this might not be enough. This is where a proper waste management and recycling strategy needs to be implemented.

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Thursday, September 16, 2021

The YFC Take on Circular Economy

 In this fast-moving world, there are a lot of things to consider for the average business. One of the more important things to think about is the implications of the business on the environment. Think of big brands such as Coca Cola and Pepsi who received such major backlash when their plastic bottles started showing up in the oceans and suddenly, the popularity of these brands dropped so fast that they had to change their whole manufacturing strategy. Even though some companies are now taking care to not be the cause of harming the environment, most businesses still do not know how to implement proper waste management. For these businesses, Y.E.S Full Circle Solutions has come up with the best solution to solve this issue using the concept of Circular Economy.

What is Circular Economy:

To know what circular economy is, we have to take a step back and first learn what linear economy is. In most organizations and manufacturing plants, the process of linear economy is followed in production. This process has the following steps; Raw material are collected, transformed into products, used or sold and finally discarded as waste.

Circular economy however on the other hand can be classified as an Economic System aimed at eliminating waste instead of just dumping it at the end of its lifecycle. Instead of getting rid of waste at the end, Circular Economy takes that waste and reuses it to make new products through recycling. So instead of getting waste at the end, Circular economy will work towards ending waste!

Importance of Circular Economy:

The biggest problem that Circular Economy would solve is to reduce stress on the environment. It is no secret that pollution is a huge issue in the United Arab Emirates and without proper waste management in the UAE, things are only going to get worse. Implementing this structure in organizations will definitely bring about a substantial change. So much so that almost every single company is looking into this concept. Besides eliminating waste, Circular Economy can reduce stress on raw materials, boost economic growth and bring about sustainability.

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Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Brand Protection – A Circular Economy Solution by YFC


Why Do You Need Brand Protection?

Brand protection comes with a necessity in today’s world when international organizations and world leaders are leading the fight against climate change. The effects of climate change can be witnessed every day around the world as greenhouse gas emissions increase day by day. One of the leading causes for this is poor waste management on the industrial scale.

Businesses around the world are working towards producing environmentally friendly products but they are unable to identify the fact that they are sitting on a fortune that is being converted into waste. Commonly, they refer to it as industrial waste, left for the oceans and landfills to take care of. Not only that, the waste thrown into the oceans is polluting the life below water and disrupting the ecosystem on a large scale.

The waste is a fortune because the waste one business produces, can be used as a raw material by another manufacturer for producing relevant end-products. Such a waste becomes an asset for the companies. Now, in 2021, businesses who are not choosing climate-friendly operational means, are being scrutinized on international platforms, leaving them on the compromising end to make the necessary changes. One step involved in making their operations climate-friendly is through enabling brand protection.

Refer to a detailed discussion on what Brand Protection is right here.

Businesses have started planning out their Brand Protection strategies, however, the problem is that the waste needs to be processed on an industrial level. Only then it can be used as a raw material by another manufacturer. That is where Yes Full Circle comes in with their Brand Protection Solution.

The current system that is embedded in place within society makes the shape of a chain that has been present for a very long time. Companies produce products/items and they fall into the hands of the consumers via retail. Those products that get deformed during production or don’t sell are thrown away as useless waste. All these branded products then find their way into landfills or other dumping zones and prove to be a crisis for companies to deal with in the future. Not only that but if the deformed products or those items that are deemed unsuitable to be in the market find their way into the hands of the consumers, then it can heavily damage the reputation of the company in question. For major organizations with multiple production operations, there is an average of 5-10 products per day that do not meet standards and get thrown into the rubbish pile.

In case of situations like this, the most beneficial thing for a company to do would be to integrate safe destruction and recycling into their operations. With safe destruction, the deformed products can safely be taken from the source, destroyed beyond brand recognition, and even recycled to create new raw materials saving the company money on both fronts. Such a system is a good fallback for companies who rely on heavy production operations in their daily routine. The relief of knowing that all damaged/deformed products are securely destroyed and will not be a liability to the company can be a major boost for any team.

In case, the company needs to throw the waste away in landfills or dumping zones, that problem can be solved as well with an added benefit to the brand. Businesses that are struggling to maximize the potential of their waste can rely on customized recycling solutions such as Brand Protection by YFC. It is a circular economy solution that is essentially developed to provide brand protection. With such a service, your business will be able to divert its focus towards its primary operations and let YFC manage their waste for them.

We enable brands to dispose of their waste without having them go through an expensive cleanup campaign or invest a huge chunk of their finances into disposing and transferring of their waste.  We will provide a storage facility for you to store your waste from where we can collect it and transfer it to our relevant warehouse. The recyclable goods are taken to the YFC’s recycling plant and the unrecyclable goods are transported to the municipalities for further conversion.

This module is protecting the environment and reducing the impact of greenhouse gas emissions as most of the waste that is left at the landfills will be recycled. Bringing the circular economy framework to life.  

We are facing a climate crisis at the global level. From the past few decades, the obvious signs of global warming are growing by the day. Every season, we are facing extreme weather conditions in all parts of the world. Soon the world is going to have much more to deal with if businesses do not adapt to a more sustainable means of operations.

Currently, we are facing intense drought, storms, heatwaves, rising sea levels, melting glaciers, and warming oceans. Which is directly harming animals, their habitats, and wreaking havoc upon people’s livelihoods and communities. As climate change impacts worsen, dangerous weather events are becoming more frequent and severe such as the wildfires in California, Amazon, and Australia has been raging more than they usually do for the past couple of years.

All of this is a years’ worth of negligence while burning fossil fuels, cutting down rainforests, and farming livestock. All this has resulted in the addition of enormous amounts of greenhouse gases to those naturally occurring in the atmosphere, increasing the greenhouse effect and global warming.

That is why it is the need of the hour now to encourage different industries around the world to adopt a circular economy framework. To adopt the framework, every business and individual will have to start taking steps towards a more sustainable operational method. Cutting down on waste production will lead to a massive cut down in greenhouse gas emissions. Eventually, we will be able to stop the production of waste for good, hopefully achieving a zero-waste lifestyle.


Circular economy solutions are being adopted around the world, especially where the impact of climate change is felt first-hand. Brand Protection is one of such solutions that is going to create a counter impact to fight climate change while also protecting the brand by enabling intelligent management of the waste production by businesses. If they leave their waste unmanaged, it can lead to negative branding as their waste will become a part of the factors causing climate change. To protect themselves from negative branding, businesses have started managing their waste through circular economy solutions.

Contact us now for a free business consultation or a demo.

Friday, September 3, 2021

Our Solutions are achieving the Global UNSDGs

It’s always tough to talk about problems and even tougher to talk about solving them. In this day and age, Mankind has evolved a lot from its early status into becoming self-aware of the problems and has even found ways to overcome them. With continuous development and advancement in technology, we humans have conquered every issue we have ever faced. There is a product for every need, an item for every situation, and these days, an app for every idea but has there been no consequence? Unfortunately, the answer is a depressing one. Even though we have accomplished a lot, we have done it at a cost. That cost being, damaging the world we live in.

You would have probably heard of major world issues such as Climate Change, Pollution, and Loss of Biodiversity which are very common nowadays. The reason being that even though we are advancing in developing our countries, we have neglected mother nature and have taken it for granted. Using up the resources, we have left the waste product unattended and that has begun to take its toll on us now. ‘Improper Waste Management’ as it has been termed causes a lot of harmful effects, not only to our environment but also to the animal, marine, and human life.

The UNSDG’s:

The Global Goals or the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) proposed by the United Nations are objectives that are interlinked with each other to achieve a much better future through sustainability for all. There are 17 broad goals in total, each having 8–12 targets with 4 indicators to measure the progress of each goal. There has been a lot of work towards the fulfillment of the UNSDG’s and many governments and organizations are working towards the completion of the goals. The main concern of the United Nations when devising these goals was the concept of “No one getting left behind”. Alongside making the world a better place, the UNSDG’s can be taken as a blueprint to achieve a more sustainable future for all by 2030 which coincidentally is its mission statement as well. These goals are the closest we can plan towards solving those issues mentioned above. It will not be a complete reset but it will help a lot. Most of the goals can be achieved by effective planning, utilizing the latest technology, and collaboration of related stakeholders. These goals were devised in 2015 and set for completion by 2030 and we are proud to announce that we have already started working towards achieving certain UNSDG goals.

Goal #6 — Clean Water and Sanitation:

We all know the devastating effects caused by unclean water especially to the health of those living in the lesser developed areas. Waste finds its way into water bodies and the same water bodies are sources for those humans to drink from. We must understand that clean water is not available for everyone since not everyone can afford filtered water but what we can do is make an effort in cleaning the water that goes into those areas. Many companies have devised machines and filters capable of cleaning all bacteria and other substances from water but that is not solving the whole issue. To get rid of the problem at the source, we must eradicate pollution at the start which is present because of improper waste management. Y.E.S Full Circle ensures that factories and industries properly recycle their waste which will lead to a major reduction in illegal dumping, hence decreasing water pollution. With everyone following the circular economy practice of reusing their waste instead of dumping it in water, we might be able to make this change and clean

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